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MBBS, MS, MA (Medical Ethics & Law), FRCS (England), FRCS (General Surgery)
Consultant General, Laparoscopic, Robotic & HPB Surgeon
GMC Number
The Royal London Hospital
LIPS Healthcare, Battersea Power Station
The London Clinic
Consultant General, Trauma & HPB Surgeon at the Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS since 2005. Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at Queen Mary University London and Barts Health Immediate Past Trust Dean. Barts Health Group Executive Director for Inclusion and Equity, August 2022 onwards.
Hails from Kerala, India, born in Kumasi, Ghana, schooled in Manchester, and trained as a doctor and general surgeon in Pune, India. Returned to the UK in 1993 and trained further in hepato-pancreato-biliary (HPB) surgery and liver transplantation in London, mainly at the Royal Free Hospital and the Royal London Hospital.
Specialist HPB expertise includes surgical management of benign and malignant diseases of the liver, gall bladder, bile duct, and pancreas, complex gallstone disease, and acute and chronic pancreatitis with related laparoscopic and robotic surgical expertise. Over two decades of expertise in elective and emergency general surgery and managing major chest, abdomen, and pelvic trauma at the Royal London, the UK's first dedicated major trauma centre.
Other areas of interest are clinical leadership, quality improvement, patient safety, and inclusion and equity. Published in peer-reviewed journals in HPB & general surgery, contributed to chapters in major medical and surgical textbooks, and taught and trained at all levels, including the MBBS, MRCS and FRCS.
Health Foundation QI Fellow at the IHI and Harvard, 2011-12 Barts Health Clinical Director for Surgery 2010-11, Associate Medical Director for Improvement, Innovation, 2013-14, Executive Group Director for the Surgery & Cancer Clinical Academic Group, 2014-2016. Chair of the Boards of Surgery & Cancer 2016-18, and Barts Health Deputy Chief Medical Officer 2016 -18. On surgical sabbatical in 2018-19, re-established and led the HPB surgical service at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore.
Honorary Principal, The Staff College for Leadership in Healthcare, UK. International Editorial Board of BMJ Leader. Visiting Professor of Surgery, Symbiosis International University, Pune, India.
Longstanding yoga and meditation practice and Breathworks-qualified resilience and mindfulness trainer.
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